If love is an addiction, how can we manage not to hurt ourselves for love?

How do we manage our behavior when our brain is in love according to neuroscience, we‘ll know the experience and the intensity of being addicted to someone that leads us to lose ourselves or find our happiness.

Cliffert Treven
4 min readApr 2, 2022
Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

Have you ever felt that the whole world stops for a moment when you met someone, your sense is just rushing full of chemical in your body that drives you to be with that person and all you can think is that person and the whole reality is just about the fantasy being with that person. that’s exactly what love does no matter how strong we are to resist the effect of being in love.

The reward system that is activated in our brain when are we in love with someone is the same reward system as someone taking cocaine regularly and other stimuli like cigarettes. according to science, it is what is and it’s hard to admit that being in love is an addictive behavior that is inevitable.

I guess maybe I never had a truly healthy relationship ever, so many times I failed or I just walk away because overwhelm by the consequences of the relationship.

What has actually happened within the relationship?, my way of processing relationships is very unlikely in my environment that is why I always get disappointed because most of them are not conscious about things it’s just very depressing to feel alone when you are with someone that you think genuine care about you but the reality it tells the other way around its very irony isn’t it?

To be in that position we all know its starts with being yourself and along the way forgetting who you are! (when you are in a relationship).

Nobody would tell the truth the same way you did for them at the end of the day.

The truth is always guiding us to sleep at night or waking us up afterward, you couldn’t tell which part of your life and that person are the reality and which one is the illusion it’s a mixed feeling and judgments sensation.

Relationships it’s not something that you can gamble in fact there are just a few of them that come within a lifetime yet people still take them for granted.

Knowing how to step back over a relationship can make a difference, when your relationship just hit the hard path or it might lead you on the wrong track, a presence of constant awareness is necessary to help you see what’s going on around you.

Don’t be wrong to put yourself into a relationship because whatever happens it’s all based on you, whether it’s good or bad. It’ll start with your decision so at the end of the day, the only person for you to blame and also proud of is you!. nothing would ever happen in your life unless you choose it to.

Nevertheless, these past two weeks are relationship weeks where I evaluate myself with others and try to set up a healthy way to put myself in any kind of relationship where I can love people without judging their life choices I know it’s not easy to do, thereby I can know where it would lead me which version of myself that probably going to be in control or take control.

It’s all about me staying conscious of my body and mind, I won’t lose the sense of control within that moment and forget my choices just because I have to tolerate an outside world that is far different than myself.

It’s an accomplishment to be conscious during the sensation of a relationship. To have that in mind would make a huge difference when it comes at night and you have to reconsider and evaluate the whole day simply just to be conscious of yourself, moreover your life.

Pleasing people over you would hurt you very bad with or without warning, Just be aware of that pattern every time.

doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship and it means all things have to be the same as expected, the constant need to consolidate with one to another are highly demanding overtimes but it’s an micro responsibility to each of us to take initiative towards it which are the part of effort + awareness = sustainability in regards to relationship.

Relationships are all our weaknesses therefore this is the opportunity to actually learn how to really build a good relationship.

Keeping an open mind about relationships at this time might be wiser to do despite the fact that we are still learning about them. But know-how and when to walk away and be able to keep the boundaries in a place where no one gets hurt especially you, by all means, it’s a good call to do.

If it’s true that people are ego by default then it might be wiser and better to protect yourself first for the sake of your entire wellbeing.

Being happy is a choice, not a standard so don’t lose yourself to interpret which things that bring pleasure and which things that bring happiness.

At the end of the day, we all would crossover the line of contentment with ourselves while in a relationship.

It is the feeling of enough with our relationships that we had either with them or with ourselves.

What you need in a relationship is not companionship, pleasure, or validation, but what we all need is the process and system that keeps us away from those feelings.

We can anticipate those things if we can just feel enough, by simply being with Ourselves while in a relationship. or feel enough with a relationship that we had while being ourselves.

Simply put, “Don’t try to change me but all you can do is accept me, because if I Change because of you How I can be myself around you?”.



Cliffert Treven

Founder & ML Engineer @teevo.io | My writing are the expression of growth against reality with the combination of science and consciousness.